Quality Home Locator

Investment Opportunities

Interested in investing in the fast-paced business of real estate?

Quality Home Locator is part of a real estate investment group that helps people do just that, and they are currently accepting applications for new members. 

Investors get to review each property to decide if they wish to be a partner or not. Investments are done in rounds of $1,000 increments. This creates a system that is fair to all partners. Let’s say there are 3 people wanting to partner on a property and they have the following amounts available to invest.

Partner #1 max $10,000
Partner #2 max $ 3,000
Partner #3 max $20,000

If the property is a $20,000 investment then partner #2 gets to invest his/her full $3,000. The remaining $17,000 is split between partner #1 and #3.

All properties are held within an individual LLC where partners hold membership. They have a standardized Operating Agreement which all current group members have approved and is used for each LLC.

They are in the process of putting together a website with more details. The website is located at www.bachinvestmentgroup.com, and we will update this page once it goes live.

Data below is one of the projects done by BACH. More detailed information can be provided upon request.

Property Details #1

Total Investment $25,000
Purchase price $10,185.43
Remodel budget $14,119.00

Rent $8,100.00

Property Insurance $420.00
Property Taxes $400.00
Tax Prep $350.00
Book Keeping $405.00
Management $810.00

Profit $5,715.00

Yearly Return 22.86%

If you feel this is something you would be interested click to learn more.

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